北师大版(2019) 必修第一册Unit 1 Life Choices Topic Talk教学设计(表格式)

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北师大版(2019) 必修第一册Unit 1 Life Choices Topic Talk教学设计(表格式)

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Book 1 Unit 1 Life choices教学设计单元主题 本单元围绕Life choices话题展开,以多种形式的语篇呈现了各种不同的人生选择,并引导学生思考自身生活方式和未来人生发展的选择,属于“人与自我”主题。整个单元的学习内容包含Topic Talk, Lesson 1-3, Writing Workshop, Viewing Workshop和Reading Club等,各课通过听、说、读、写、看等内容和活动,围绕该主题从不同的角度,引导学生进行主题意义探究。单元目标 语言能力目标 掌握并运用与日常生活状态、生活方式相关的词汇和表达,了解记叙文的行文思路和结构特点,学习私人邮件的写作特点和语言风格;听懂、获取并梳理人们对个人生活的描述、与压力有关的基本知识信息,学会不同程度喜恶的表达方式并加以运用;通过阅读,提炼文中关于个人生活方式的描述和支教经历的主要信息,理解不同人对理想生活方式的追求;通过写作,学习如何撰写个人邮件,分享自己的生活状态和所思所感。 文化意识目标 理解不同生活方式和人生选择的特点和意义,反思自己的生活方式,并从实现远大理想、为国家社会做出贡献的高度进行思考,树立积极的人生价值观,形成自尊自强的品格,探索自己的职业选择和人生方向;形成理性看待、积极应对生活中各种压力的意识;学会感受和欣赏不同文化和生活方式。 思维品质目标 在听力和阅读之后,可以通过思维导图的形式来概括、提炼听力文本和阅读文本的主要信息,进而培养学生的结构化思维方式和清晰的条理;通过对不同生活方式的了解,思考其利弊得失,增强学生辩证看待问题的思维意识;对专家访谈的讨论和在此基础上分享个人见解,鼓励学生独立思考,增强学生批判性、创造性思维品质的培养。 学习能力目标 利用听力和口语中的对话,带动学生者进行同伴之间或小组内的模仿练习和角色扮演,培养学生的合作学习能力;通过视听说等各种渠道拓展学习方式,例如以邮件形式与好友分享自己的日常生活方式,学以致用,激发学习兴趣;通过阅读后对各种语言现象的思考和讨论,学会小组合作和探究式学习,提高学习的主动性。Topic Talk板块教学设计 (建议时长40–45分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)课型 Listening + Speaking主题语境 人与自我——学校生活内容分析 本部分包括两篇听力材料,分别呈现了高一新生对自己高中生活的初步感受和医生、足球运动员及企业经理对自己生活现状的介绍,体现了不同人生阶段和不同职业背景的人的生活状态、面临的压力和所获得的成就感。该课作为本单元的起始课,起到了激活主题相关背景知识的作用,并为本单元后面的教学内容做了话题、词汇以及思维的铺垫。教学目标 通过听力材料1的练习,获取表达校园生活的词汇和句式。 基于对听力材料1的理解,画出它的结构图,从而形成如何描述新的校园生活的结构化知识。 通过听力材料2的练习,感知不同职业的优缺点,并初步思考自己职业和生活方式的选择。教学重点 引导学生画出听力材料1的知识结构图。 学会边听材料内容,边记录材料中的重要信息。教学难点 引导学生表达自己的校园生活。 引导学生思考自己的未来职业与生活方式。教学策略 听说法Teaching contents Procedures PurposesTeacher’s activity Students’ activityWords & expressions 1. T presents some pictures of the school and school activities for students to enjoy. 2. T asks the Ss to use some words and expressions to describe those pictures. Ss look at the pictures and speak out the words and expressions that can be used to describe these pictures. Help Ss recall the topic-related words and get Ss familiar with the new words and expressions which will be used in the lesson.Lead in Activity 1 1. T asks Ss the following three questions: a. Which junior high school did you graduate from b. How is your new school life and what do you like most about it c. What do you expect of your new school life Ss think and answer the three questions. 1. Shorten the distance between Ss and T; 2. Get Ss to know the topic of the new lesson.Lead in Activity 2 T presents the mind map and provides some expressions for Ss to talk about their new school life. Ss look at the mind map and express their new school life with the help of the expressions. Get Ss prepared for the following listening practice.Listening 1 1. In the first-time listening, T presents the Test Builder and asks students to fill in the blanks. 2. In the second-time listening, T asks Ss to draw a mind map for the text. 3. Based on the mind map, T asks Ss to talk about their new school life. 1. Ss listen to the text carefully and take notes to help them get the key information. 2. Use their notes to draw a mind map of the text. 3. Ss use the mind map to talk about their new school life. 1. Ss understand and catch the key information of the text. 2. Ss use the listening skill to help them take down information and organize it. 3. Help Ss apply the mind map to their own situation.Listening 2 T presents a table for Ss to practice the second listening material. Ss listen to the material carefully and fill in the table. Get Ss to know more about different life choices and further improve their listening ability.Explore further T invites Ss to discuss the following questions based on the second listening material: a. Can you find out the similarities in the three people’s lives b. Among the four jobs which one do you like best Share with us your reasons. Ss recall the content, think and talk about their opinions. Ss compare the different jobs with different life styles, and analyze adults’ attitude towards life, and allow Ss the chance to talk about their inspiration they bring to the Ss.Role play T shows the mind map and table from the first and the second listening material again and asks Ss in four to play the role of the four jobs so as to talk about their life. Ss work in group of four and each one chooses one job and use the mind map to talk about life from four aspects. Ss summarize what they have learnt in the class.Self-evaluation Teacher shows a self-evaluation table for Ss to reflect. Ss finish the self-evaluation individually. Ss assess their performance in the class and adjust their attitude and method in the next class.Homework T assigns the homework: a. Please write a short paragraph about your new school life. Organize ideas in a logical way. Use the expressions we learnt today if necessary. b. Look up the quotes on Page 7 and try to figure out their meanings and pare your notes with others in the next class. Ss finish the homework after class. Ss review and compose a writing to practice their creativity.








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